Neurotraumatology: Biomechanic Aspects, Cytologic and Molecular Mechanisms
- Neurotraumatology: Significance in Forensic Pathology
- Biomechanical Aspects of Head Trauma: Head Modelling and Injury Mechanisms
- Impact Traumatic Brain Injury: A Mechanical Perspective
- Extraordinary Types of Contrecoup Injury
- The Origin of Brain Stem Hemorrhages
- Traumatic Brain Injury Regulates Expression of Ced-Related Genes Modulating Neuronal Apoptosis
- Cytokine Gene Transcription Profiles in Contused Spinal Cord
- Genomic Responses to Experimental Brain Injury: Implications for Therapeutic Intervention
- Apolipoprotein E and Head Injury
- Head Injury and Alzheimer-Type Pathology: Some Forensic Considerations
- The Pathogenesis and Implications of Axonal Injury in Traumatically Injured Animal and Human Brain
- Lesions of Axons and Dendrites in Spinal Cord Trauma
- Axonal Injury in a Forensic-Neuropathological Material: Incidence, Vitality, Survival Time, Specificity and Biomechanics
- De- and Regeneration Processes After Traumatic and Ischemic Lesions of Peripheral Nerves
- Microglia: A "Sensor" of Pathology in the Human CNS
- In Situ Staging of CNS White Matter Lesions
- Microglial Reactions in Severe Closed Head Injury
- Change of Gene Expression in the Rat Facial Nucleus by Axotomy
- Cell Swelling and Effects of Alcohol in Experimental Neural Trauma
- Mechanism of the Mass Effect in Cerebral Contusion: Role of Contusion Necrosis Proper
- Biomechanical Markers of Central Nervous System Damage: Plasma S-100 Protein after Neurotrauma and Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Zusätzliche Produktinformationen
- Autor
- (Hg.) M. Oehmichen / H. G. König
- 978-3-7950-0314-2
- Seiten
- 356
- Einband
- kartoniert
- Format
- DIN A5
- Sprache
- engl.
- Verlag
- Max Schmidt-Römhild GmbH & Co. KG